face, yelling down on the golden age of soul and golden, like an unexpected turn of events when two Youjingyounu, even if the body in the sky toward, Shell has been active appear positive for the red purse.
Soul duo, the death of Kim Dong-jin, but not very hard, brothers, and the door for hundreds of years, will be able to articulate a few words in mind. The grief of two to one, a life for revenge for the attack, which the ruthless battle at best.
Therefore, hard-fought three persons, the South China Sea Juexue Dafa, the crew will move the time for the discoloration of the situation is delicate purification of the soul.
Zhu Huai Yang battle between speed and depth control of the situation firmly and with a drastic move, flashing repairs.
Golden soul, they more than Chu Huai River, the sun in the gloomy days after winning gold in the face. But now the real battle to get one, they are the master of a sudden, in front of this area of the earth, and wake up absolute
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